Hamburgers and whiskey! Possibly two of my favorite hobbies in the whole world. Winghart's Burger and Whiskey bar has been open in Market Square for about six months. Although, the whiskey part was an addition that took a little longer.
Every time I've gone for lunch the place has been packed and it is very difficult to get a seat at the bar. Happy hour this week was no exception, we crammed about twenty individuals into their tiny location. Winghart's has a very specific charm - no plates, huge burgers, interesting burger toppings, house-ground meat, a growing whiskey collection, flat-bread pizzas and a very accommodating staff. (As you can see from the picture above they will even feed your burger to you if you are courteous!)
I can't even begin to explain how much I enjoyed my burger. Before this visit my favorite Pittsburgh burger was easily the Kaya burger in the Stript District. (Note I have not yet been to BrGr or Burgatory.) However, my shipwreck burger really blew me away. Just adding photos to this blog post has caused some deadly stomach rumblings and salivations. The shipwreck comes adorned with brie, caramelized onions, bacon, arugula and white truffle aioli oil. While these toppings might sound overwhelming, they mix together in the most harmonious way imaginable. I honestly enjoyed this burger more than my Ray's Hell burger from Washington D.C. - take that Obama! The bread was better, the meat was more moist and the toppings were much better. (To be fair I think I blew it choosing my own toppings at Ray's Hell Burger.)
Part of the appeal to Winghart's is that the owners are right there behind the bar making sure that everything is properly prepared. Winghart and Shipwreck are two lively characters who really did a fantastic job of accommodating our group. If you have not been to Winghart's, I have to honestly recommend that you make the trip. Personally, I can't wait for their new location to open in the South Side.